Feminine vs. Masculine Energy


On feminine vs. masculine energy -⁣

We exist in a world of duality and oneness. The duality presents itself in polarities like masculine vs. feminine, light vs. shadow, left vs. right. Oneness presents itself in the fact that we are all both sides all at once.⁣

In my coaching practice, it’s my responsibility to read my clients’ energy, to pay attention to the balances and imbalances that allow us to access the most expansive growth in our work together.⁣

One of the common imbalances is between masculine and feminine energy.⁣

There are moments and years when we lean heavily into our feminine energy. Stepping into our feminine looks different for different people. And, to be clear, both men and women can have moments and years when their feminine is in control. That means that we are in a place in life where we are nurturing and caring for others constantly, feeling satisfied by being needed. Other times it means fluidly moving through life, not making too many plans, letting life unfold. ⁣

These clients feel like they’re not moving forward in the ways they want. The patterns and energy that have served them are asking for a shift.They are ready to tap more into their masculine to bring structure and organization into their life. Goal-setting, action-planning, time management are tools that we use to find that balance. ⁣

Then, there are moments when we lean heavily into our masculine energy. This takes the form of being goal-oriented, taking satisfaction in seeing structured plans come to life. Stepping into traditional leadership roles and getting comfortable with continuously driving the bus. Ambition and career taking center stage in our lives.⁣

These clients feel the strain that so much structure and pressure has put on them. Too much rigid process, too much planning, too much organization to the point that it becomes a burden. Energetic healing, mindset shifting, and practices for tapping into the feminine help us find balance here.⁣

Take a moment to evaluate where you are. Are you leaning more into your feminine or your masculine? Are you feeling like you need more structure and accountability or more fluidity and flow?

Emma Leuman